{ "name": "Nightshade #172", "id": "172", "description": "The Nightshades are an ancient evil species of Non-Fungible Fungi; summoned back into the physical world only by community Conjuring Rings. This innovative year long mint is the next stage of a wider MycoLabs Universe rolling out across 2023 and beyond.", "attributes": [ { "trait_type": "Bases", "value": "Petrified Wood" }, { "trait_type": "Biomes", "value": "Ashen Wastes" }, { "trait_type": "Stems", "value": "Ominous Black Stem" }, { "trait_type": "Caps", "value": "Ominous Brown Cap" }, { "trait_type": "Flairs", "value": "Obsidian Flair" }, { "trait_type": "Curses", "value": "Lodged Hatchet" }, { "trait_type": "Curses", "value": "Yellow Lichen" }, { "trait_type": "Curses", "value": "Effigy" }, { "trait_type": "Curses", "value": "Heirloom Earring" } ], "image": "https://cdn.etch.sh/collections/ns-live/ci63x2iowuaspmcz4katxw.gif", "animation_url": "https://cdn.etch.sh/collections/ns-live/ci63x2iowuaspmcz4katxw.webm" }